Ende Regency is one Tourism Direction Are (DTW) in Indonesia Nation,this ready to help and back live fresh for every one with promise many attraction and have unique tourism, like attract Nature Tourism, Art Culture, History/Archeology, Ancient, Special Interest, Farming Tourism and can came and visit this direction Tourism area andwith pleasure will friendly welcome from this territoy.


Ikat Weaving

Ikat weaving only made by women and girls on southern part of Ende regency.
According to the story of the local people, there was ap pact between the people on the southern central and northern parts of ende. In the pact, the southern people should make ikat weaving that would be exchanged the foodstuff yielded by the people on the central and northern parts of Ende. If the pact broken, there would be a disaster. The pact is still carried out by the local people. For instance, the raw material such as cotton, dying materials, are sold or exchange with sawo engge pake pela nggubu nggai.

o The process of making Thread
Cotton are cleaned with ola ngeu.after that, it is cleaned again to be aroll of thresd / Elo with Wo’o/ small cotton gin. This thread is ready to be wined/nggoru with jata and ladu. The twine then rolled by make to be aball of thread (lelu meka).Then it is rolled by ola woe to become thread for goa

o Pete Tege / fastening the motif
The roll of thread tehn put on Dao Goa. After Goa Gami, the material / thread is moved to Dao make for motif fastening using the tip of boro leaves / gebang; coconut; raffia fiber, etc. The part of ikat weaving: 

Vertically :

 One / main motif


Teo Timbu One/singgi

The main motif is the name of lawo/sarong. Rawo is Located on center part of sometimes on every sheet ofsarong. The ornament motif is the motifaccompanying the main motif called singi or geto/gero.
According to the kinds of motif and its original place, ikat weaving of EndeLio can be divided into two genres of ethnic :

Ende Ethnic : 
rawo Nggaja SanggetuRawo Nggaja ManuRawo Nggaja JaraRawo JaraRawo Pea – Rawo Soke Wunu KararaSoke Bere KazeRawo rote –Rawo Mata – Rawo One Mesa – Rawo RomoboRawo Mangga-/ Bhuja/Ndala-Rawo Nggera/ Gero – etc

Lio Ethnic : 
Lawo Nepa Mite / Te’a – Lawo PundiLawo MoghaLawo KelimaraLawa mata SindeLawo koko BethoLawo LukaLawo GamiTeraesaLawo Gelo -,etc

Beside Lawo / rawo , there is also ikat weaving which have form of shawl or stole such as sembasenaiLete – Side – contemporary sheets like Ana Deo, Ine Pare, etc.


Wood and Kea (coconut shell)

Carving or in a local language called “Weti Nggeri” is an activity to create something become an artistic thing. In Ende Region, The craft men are rare, because this activity only done by certain people who wave mosalaki descent line.
Local inhabitants (Ende-Lio ethnic) believed if thr artwork carved by right person, however, it would have magic. The material things that used in carving such as:
a) Wood : Kind of woods ussually used for carving; jackfruit, wowo, wula, keta, wege, isi tana, or keli. In carving, each of these woods has symbols and meaning, thus motif and design.

Adat House / Traditional house :
Some adat house components that carved are Lata Mbewa and Toko Pene, Dube Dalo, Wisu Tenda, Wisu Dari, Sabhe Tenda, Benga Toko and Kaju Ndawa. Kind of carving objects on adat house / traditional house such as: jara (horse); susu(breast); Nggo (gong); Nipa (snake); Degi (lizard); naga (dragon) and bas relief appearing in ikat weaving motif
Adat statue of naked man or women on standing position with handfaced to front and the palm of handopened to upward. To carve anadeo statue, the carve is usually done in hiding place without any clothes and took the figure as the carving object from mosalaki descent. 
Bisades anadeo statue, almost the frames of keda are equipped by the carving of reptiles and some sacred animals
Tubu Saga
A sacred place for offering food to ancestor spirit, made from wege wood have the circle from and equipped by the carving object ofsnake or another reptiles.
Smal building around Tubu Kanga used forlay away the case of bone/human corpse from heroes who stuggled at war.Bhaku built by using four masts and equipped by the carving object of snake or another reptiles. The front part of it built like Lata Mbewaand roofed by palm fiber or crossbeam
Sa’O Bapu
Small house buil by using only one mast from jackfruit barkequipped by the carving object of snake or another reptiles, stairs, and roofed by palm fiber or crossbeam. Sa”O Bapu usually used for put offering food for spirit.
Jara Angi
The basic building of Jara Angi shaped like ahorse, built only used one mast and roofed by palm fiber. On horse corpse carved with bas-relief of Semba (Shawl) and on its mats carved with snake or another reptiles. Jara Angi functions as a place for offering food for spirit.

Small house built by used four masts and on its mats carved with sedhe.On the door mast carved too with the motif of ikat weaving.

Rectangular shield where on top of it carved with human skull and on its surface carved with two snakes or dragon or another reptiles.

b) Ke’a ( Coconut shell )
Coconut tree has many functions such as; bark for make music tools of nggo wani / Lamba and drum; leaves for decoration. Beside all mentioned above, people also used coconut shell for carving.

Ke,a Hai
Two pieces of coconut shell put up side down tied with rattan/rope made like cup and on up and down side carved with small scratch. Ke’a hai used for eating / plate.
Kea Lima
Flat coconut shell take from its bottom and peforated round on up of it and on side of it carved with small scratch. It used for drinking/glass.
Kea Siri
Kind of bowl functions as glass (to drink moke / arrack) on measurement tools. In Nualolo-Ndona, there is existed Kea sirl from human skull.
Kind of spoon carved serration on its handle and usually used for eating.
Big spoon From coconut shell and its handle made from word or bamboo and tield with rope/rattan.
Kedi made from coconut shell and function to scrap coconut fruit



Ende - Lio Literature

There are existed two big etnics in Ende Regency; Ende and Lio. Two ethnics have different languages both in words and dialects, so that, from language structure Ende ethnic called "Ja'o"and Lio ethnic called "Ata Ina".

Besides, day language, there is existed adat language expressed in idiom or song, whereas, all have highest value which defended decently. The expressing of adat language/words only used when locals run adat ceremony such as adat party, wedding or funeral and others. We can found some Ende - Lio literature such as:

  1. Sua : Adat words which used if someone want to get power from a thing.
  2. Sua Sasa : The expressing of adat words that characterized the curse or reverange the crime made by someone which happened or will happened.
  3. Sua somba : The expressing of adat words characterized of request in order to not getting troubles when they run their activities.
  4. Sua Sola : The expressing of adat words that characterized of request in order to get good crops.
  5. Bhea : The Expressing of adat words that characterized the pride of its ethnic that defended decently and said when they run adat ceremony or opening woge dancing
  6. Nijo : Adat words that expreed by shaman in order to recite spell over the sickness such as Nijo Ru'u or onother diseases.
  7. Nunga Nange characterized the folk story such as mite, saga, or legend, wheares, the elder tell in leisure time, put to sleepor harvesting.
  8. Lota : It is manuscript of such palm leaves that written on in Sankrit language. That is a queer because the language was not understood by, but people really like hearing it. Reading it actually is the tradition from java, but it has included Ende-Lio culturall asset, which has been defended decently.
  9. Sodha. The expressing of adat words that characterized the rhythm music of Gawi and the arrangement of words should be appropriate to adat party running of. Sodha in Gawi ceremony not limited by time and sung without text sodha only sung by someone appointed to.
  10. Doja : Singer sings a song, which have been prepared before in adat ceremony or wedding party
  11. Jenda : sung spontaneous by one or more person by turns with Pele Neke rhyme like "pantun reciting" in adat ceremony. Jenda usually sung while sitting and the song contains of travelogue of life. If sung by two persons, the words contain about teasing allusion.
  12. Woi. Lament song tells about sad travelogue of young couples of Ende - Lio story. sometimes, Woi sung by shaman unawareness in treating sickness people.
  13. Peo Oro : Peo oro is to sing traditional song by soloist and answer by people. Peo oro consist of : 1. Mboka, 2. O lea 3. Dowe dera: song when people plant, 4. Debu dera: song when people getting harvest
  14. Soka Ke/Lai Lowo : song is sung to put sleep young children. Soka ke is like sodha, however, the rhyme of this song consistof humorous words. Sometimes, soka ke is performed in informal ceremony mentioned " sodha Lai lowo "
  15. Ndeo : The singer sings a song to entertain people in party or formal ceremony. Ndeohas developed from time to time and many singers in this regency.



Music Traditional Of Ende

Art is taste or feeling that expreed by words, rhyme/song, dance and others to create beautiful things, to interest anyone while seeing or listening something. Art is the part of culture; culture is the social order prevailed in society both in habits, or attitude that sustained hereditary.

As the heirs, we must be proud of for all art cultural heritage remained, in which, all should be protected, conserved and exploited for those interested in.

The kinds of traditional art culture heritage owned by this regency, characterized creativity of locals and all could be seen on their daily activities.

Music :

Music is sound produce by human's voice and music equipments. Traditional art music of Ende Regency could be seen on song/rhyme such as Doja, Nde'o Peo, or Oro bhe'a and sound from music equipments as the rhythm. There are some traditional music's such as :

  1. Ground Music : Traditional Music where people repeatedly jerk their feet at ground as the rhythm. it could be seem on Gawi/ Naro or Todo Pare dances.
  2. Stone Music : Traditional Music where people used stone as the rhythm to accompany the song 'O lea' while stepping corn.
  3. Nggeri Nggo : The tools af this music made from bamboo. This kind of music usually played on running Nainuwa ( circumcision ) ritual.
  4. Nggo Dhengi/Nggo Bhonga : The tool of music made froom seven pieces of wood (wae/dena wood ) and tied with rope. This music usually plays on leisure time or accompanies the traditional dances.
  5. Gaku : The tools of this music made from bamboo. This ussualy played on when people Dowe Dera ritual. it functions to as the sound tool on Ele seda and scare row on the farm
  6. Geko : This is not included music equipment, because it usually used for scare row. Geko made of ba,boo joints formed like and arch. Itequipped by net too. Under of its end edge connected with rope and stem af areca nut. This equipment would make sound if blowing by wind. it usually hanged on bamboo mast or branch of tree.
  7. Gobi: Gobi is kind of music equipment which made from thin bamboo blade. Two end of its edge tied on thread, to produce sound bamboo squezee on teeth then pull out the thread.
  8. Sato : This is included the stringed instrument formed like a violin which made of Bila friut or coconut shell and equipped by handle, string from fiber or lema mori leaves or aloe and sap of canary tree. The string madelike a small arch.
  9. Nggo Lamba/ wani : Nggo wani/ lamba music consists of lamba / wani, nggo, deri. Lamba/Wani The tool of this music made of bark of jackfruit tree or coconut tree that perforated on mid part of it. On the bottom of thehole hold with bamboo blade and chicken and covered by leather of cow. There is lamba/ wani made from human skin in Wologai - Detusoko with the heater from coarse grass. Lamba / wani consist of two kinds: Lamba ine and lamba ana. Lamba/wani ana is smaller than lamba ine. Nggo. Nggo/gong made from brass or iron, formed circled with hump on mid part of it. Nggo consist of three kinds : 1.Nggo dhengi dho, 2.Nggo senawa, 3.Nggo demu/ bass. Deri. Deri is the complement music tool of nggo lamba/wani. Deri made of a piece of brass or bamboo
  10. Feko/flute : Feko / flute made of bamboo, (wulu/bela).Feko composed on some kinds: 1. Feko nangi usually play on mid night with lament tone. 2. Feko bu usually is played on improvisation violin tone accompanied with drums. Feko bu also named flute of shepherd. 3. Feko redho is usually played to accompany wedding or others rituals affairs. 4. Feko ria is usually played on group harmonically in mars rhythm on wedding ceremony or in other formal ceremonies. 5. Feko pupu appeared in unique shaped like pump and to play it by moving those bamboos up and down to produce bass tone. 6. Genda/albana made of bark of coconut tree and leather from goat. it shaped like cooking pot on its surface. in its composition, genda composed on three kinds: 7. Genda redhu, appearedin small size with two genda. 8. Genda wasa, appeared in medium size with two genda. 8.Genda large size with one genda Genda jedhu,apperead in/ albana music is usally formed compound with flute and song to accompany wanda pau dances in a wedding or circumcision rituals.


The Village of Moni


Situated about 53 km east of Ende. Moni Village can be reached in about 2 hours by public transport. Moni is traditional village on the Ende-Maumere road at the foot of Kelimutu Mountain. There are restaurants, hotels, homestays and also a government-run bungalows (hotel) called Sao Ria Wisata. If you want to enjoy the sunrise on top of Kelimutu Mountain you had better spend the nigh in Moni and leave for Kelimutu at 4 a.m. to reach the peak in time for the big event. The first buses to Maumere start coming through Moni around 9 or 10 a.m. it takes about 4 hours to get to Maumere including a half - hour lunch break in Wolowaru (approx 30 minutes from Moni).Bus to Ende come through Moni arund midday reaching Ende within approximately 2 hours.
