Kelimutu Lake Colour a Change
Mount kelimutu including volcanoes are still active. Changes color of water from each lake is an indication of the existence of these activities. Changes in color can never predicted, some people have trust relationship between the color changes on the lake with a forecast something important happens in a country or in Indonesia itself
Three colored crater lake at the peak of Mount Kelimutu this vulkanik activities, including millions of years ago is a natural phenomenon that does not have both of them in the earth. Menurud Legend, the third lake is the village spirit. Lake Atapolo the red color held a sit as the wicked spirit, Lake Nua Muri Koo Fai green tosca is a young spirit and mudi-Ata Lake Mbupu that black is the soul of the parents or the sage
The cause of Color Changes
Among scientists and researchers to provide information that the actual chemical form of iron and sulphate salts, minerals and other activities vulkanik gas pressure and the sun is the factors that cause changes in water color
Tiwu Ata Polo
Concentration of Fe and showed less sulphate content is relatively low compared with the crater Tiwu Fai nua MURI koo so this is very possible Fe ² + teroksidasi be formed Fe ³ + ferry hidroksida compound (Fe (OH) 3 a reddish brown sediment with chemical reaction as follows:
²------------------------------- Fe Fe ³ + e
Fe ³ + 3OH -------------------------------- Fe (OH) 3
(H2O) (sediment / colloid, reddish brown)
Thus the water in the crater Tiwu Ata Polo occur deposition / colloid or residues of reddish brown
Three colored crater lake at the peak of Mount Kelimutu this vulkanik activities, including millions of years ago is a natural phenomenon that does not have both of them in the earth. Menurud Legend, the third lake is the village spirit. Lake Atapolo the red color held a sit as the wicked spirit, Lake Nua Muri Koo Fai green tosca is a young spirit and mudi-Ata Lake Mbupu that black is the soul of the parents or the sage
The cause of Color Changes
Among scientists and researchers to provide information that the actual chemical form of iron and sulphate salts, minerals and other activities vulkanik gas pressure and the sun is the factors that cause changes in water color
Tiwu Ata Polo
Concentration of Fe and showed less sulphate content is relatively low compared with the crater Tiwu Fai nua MURI koo so this is very possible Fe ² + teroksidasi be formed Fe ³ + ferry hidroksida compound (Fe (OH) 3 a reddish brown sediment with chemical reaction as follows:
²------------------------------- Fe Fe ³ + e
Fe ³ + 3OH -------------------------------- Fe (OH) 3
(H2O) (sediment / colloid, reddish brown)
Thus the water in the crater Tiwu Ata Polo occur deposition / colloid or residues of reddish brown
Tiwu Nua Muri Koo Fai
Ion affects the color of water in the crater Tiwu Nua Muri Koo Fai is the presence of Fe ion in large amounts. Hasil Uji kualitatif di laboratorium menunjukan bahwa pada suasana asam kehadiran Fe² memberikan warna hijau. View kimianya composition of the fetus showed sulphate (SO4 ² +) is very high (4100 mg / L) then the green comes from the compound ferosulfat (FeSo4) alami.Reaksi that are going are:
Fe + + SO4 ² ²-------------------------- FeSo ³ (padatan, green)
Explained ferosulfat FeSo4 compound, which makes the water crater Tiwu Nua Muri Koo Fai-green, in addition, there are also bubble-bubble sulfur (sulfur corn) that float dipermukaan craters and yellow.
Ion affects the color of water in the crater Tiwu Nua Muri Koo Fai is the presence of Fe ion in large amounts. Hasil Uji kualitatif di laboratorium menunjukan bahwa pada suasana asam kehadiran Fe² memberikan warna hijau. View kimianya composition of the fetus showed sulphate (SO4 ² +) is very high (4100 mg / L) then the green comes from the compound ferosulfat (FeSo4) alami.Reaksi that are going are:
Fe + + SO4 ² ²-------------------------- FeSo ³ (padatan, green)
Explained ferosulfat FeSo4 compound, which makes the water crater Tiwu Nua Muri Koo Fai-green, in addition, there are also bubble-bubble sulfur (sulfur corn) that float dipermukaan craters and yellow.
Tiwu Ata Mbupu
Visual observation of the distance of ± 500 m (from a height) of water crater this old black-green (Munsell color chart: 5y, 3 / 2). But from the close (down down) was very clear water
There Cemara mountain vegetation (Casuariana junghuniana) is dense in the mouth and lips in the crater walls, dry leaves, dry pine which float on the surface so that the crater as though the water reddish brown crater
Label: Vacation
1 Komentar:
kalo tidak salah.........
-Tiwu Ata Polo
-Tiwu Ko'o Fai Nuwa Muri
-Tiwu Ata bupu....
sorry kalo salah... hehehehe.. succes...
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