Kelimutu National Park

Kelimutu National Park is Located in Ende Regency, on Flores Island-East Nusa Tenggara Province. This Uniqueness of this park consists in the three Couldron-Shaped lakes, each of which is a different colour : blue, green and brown. The colours change from time to time.
Kelimutu National Park can be reached from almost every regional capital in Flores by way of 4 wheel drives vehicles.Visitors from the westcan take the route via Ende and then continue on to Moni which is at a distance of 53 km. From the east they can pass though Maumere and then continue on to Moni which is at distance of 95 KM. From Moni can be reached by treck to Kelimutu ( 13 km )
Lake Kelimutu which is located in top of the mountain this Kelimutu enter in network of National Park Kelimutu. This Lake reside in the height 1.631 metre from sea level.
Some flora which can be met around lake for example Kesambi ( Schleichera Oleosa), Fir-Tree ( Casuarina Equisetifolia) and endless flower [of] Edelweiss. While fauna [of] exist in about lake, for example Deer ( Cervus Timorensis), Forest Pig ( Sus Sp.), Partridge ( Gallus Gallus) and Hawk.
Label: Vacation
4 Komentar:
Hi Terry,
My friend was shown a picture of color lake...a kind of Kelimutu but small one...i don't know where is that exactly...maybe around Maumere of Bajawa...up on the mountain..that is a beautiful one, the lake is red
I saw in the picture that Flores has a forest where full with BIG BAMBOO...the size of bamboo is same as coconut tree, don't ask me where because i don't know and now i lose contact with my friend so i can't ask the information about that.
Sorry but i believe that you can find the place
This is very beautiful.
There are three lakes, aren't they?
I don't see picture of the other one.
Evi Ecker
kae,,bgus sekali,...
kualitas gambarnya juga bgus,...
cma ada yang tanya danau hitam tu,...
bgusnya kalu yang klo fotto yang dapat 3 danau,..
d flores mmg bxk tmpat yang msh natural dan amuzing,..
tpi kurang expoz,.mkanya orang2 luar tdk tllu tau,...dmna,..
skdar msukan,,,kae ju bisa kerja sma dgn tmpat2 wiasta,..kalo mau,..
kae msukan bbrapa hotel ato pnginapan skalian kontribusinya yang update,..spaya,,kalo ada yng pngin lburan dsana bisa siap budget memang,..
info nya bgus skali,..kayaknya bisa dapat pnghargaan dari Dinas pariwsta ne,..heheehee,...
oh my GOD.....the first picture is wonderful
wow the red
good done TERRY :-)
i am sure if someone look at this picture, they will interest to come or know more detail about this
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